v0.0.6 update - red robots, gold panels, balance update


We are pleased to announce the release of the v0.0.6 update for our game, which includes two exciting new features.

Firstly, we have introduced red robots that are twice as fast as normal robots. Players can upgrade the red robot finding probability to obtain more red robots.

Secondly, we have added gold panels as a reason to enlarge the board. When a robot touches a panel, it gains a golden ring. If the robot touches another panel, the golden ring disappears, and players receive a huge bonus based on the distance between the two panels.

In addition, we have implemented two balance patches. The maximum value for the drop value upgrade has been increased from 41 to 81, and the progression cost multiplier has been decreased from 100 to 33.

We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements. Please continue to give us your feedback to help us improve the game even further. Thank you for playing!


stones.zip Play in browser
Apr 21, 2023

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