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What's the point of getting bigger boards? Isn't it much more efficient to have a 9-tile board with 9 robots on it as they collect everything that spawns instantaneously?

Increasing the board size is a kind of small progression. If you go from a 9x9 board to a 25x25 board, your robots will make a lot of unnecessary moves at first, but once you have a lot of robots, you should be able to earn coins immediately, even on a 25x25 board again. Of course, increasing the board size is a loss compared to the immediate gains, and this is an area of game design that needs to be improved.


Balancing feels very off, you get okay progress for the first 2 “prestiges”, and then on the 3rd one it takes forever! I went from playing actively, to going idle for hours.

Thank you for your feedback. We will consider ways to improve the problem.

We have released an update to version 0.0.6 of the game, which includes a decrease in the progression cost multiplier from 100 to 33. Additionally, there are other upgrades available in v0.0.6. Thank you for playing and enjoying the game.


Thanks for the update, trying it now. Another thing I noticed is the game seems to run my GPU at 100%, can u please add VSync?

Unfortunately, JavaScript canvas games do not currently support vsync options. However, we have added an option to turn off number pop-ups in order to improve performance in v0.0.7. We hope this update will be helpful.


Instead of forcing an update every frame, you can instead use requestAnimationFrame(), and then calculate the fps to get your delta time for updating the game. I see that the game is minified and obfuscated so I can’t see how you do things, so I’m afraid I can’t help much more with this.

I'm actually using requestAnimationFrame() and delta to calculate the frame difference, and I've used the same algorithms in other games. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but if I come up with a solution, I'll be sure to share it.


another bug if you try to fill your board with robots it wont spawn a new robot (i should have 10 but only have 9 even after increasing board size) 

Thanks for reporting. That’s more tricky bug, but I will fix it anyway.

We fixed that bug on v0.0.4. Thank you very much!!


ffound a potential soft lock coins dont spawn where a robot is so if you fill the board you cant get more coins

thanks for your feedback! I will fix it soon.

We fixed that bug on v0.0.3. Thanks!


thanks yea it works fine now